O que é mais instável ? O Capitalismo ou a credibilidade dos Economistas

Este artigo de um economista marxista americano é muito importante. Todos nos esquecemos da instabilidade do Capitalismo. Esta crise vem relembrar que o Capitalismo é o melhor, mas que não é perfeito. E provavelmente a solução não será mais Regulação, mas sim compreender as fragilidades e reduzir as expectativas. E revela ainda que os economistas são menos científicos e credíveis do que o possível e desejável, mesmo sabendo que a Economia é uma ciencia social. O oportunismo é vergonhoso, diz o autor.
(...)«So complete was the academic mainstream's embrace of neoclassical economics that very few students learned about capitalism's instability. Courses in business cycles, once staples of the economics curriculum, largely vanished. The Bush government's economists were products of economics educations that incapacitated them to cope with today's massive capitalist crash. Thus, they failed to see, let alone prevent, the crash, waited too long to act as the crash unfolded across the latter part of 2007 and 2008, and proposed one half-baked and ineffective government policy after another since mid-2008. The economists gathered by Obama exemplify the same incapacitated generation.
The profession's shameful history of opportunism may be best illustrated by the January 2009 annual meeting of the supremely mainstream American Economics Association (AEA). Late 2008 had seen big businesses get trillions in government bailouts. Leading mainstream economists at the AEA meeting cravenly announced the errors of their former ways and advocated return to Keynesian economics. Neoclassical economists saw their careers jeopardized and acted quickly. New York Times reporter Louis Uchitelle even applied the religious term "conversion" to the paper by Harvard's Martin Feldstein. Like many born-again Christians, though, born-again Keynesians will no doubt backslide at the first sign of financial-sector stabilization.
To sum up, repeated oscillations between neoclassical and Keynesian economics in defining mainstream economics reveal the profession's opportunistic subservience to business needs. (...)
PS: O que tem isto a ver com o Norte ? Necessita-se de «thinktank» regional para os assuntos economicos, envolvendo associações empresariais e faculdades de economia.

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PMS disse...

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